His beginnings date back to 2006, when he started to get familiar with terms like groove, vocal and everything around house music. He was known as the youngest of the DJs playing funky and vocal house in Slovakia, and his orthodox stance on the musical style provoked some stormy reactions among DJs. His uncompromising approach to music brought him recognition among the best known representatives who played house in Slovakia, and a large amount of music playings at private and branded parties as well.
His connection with the Brano DJ after hearing his initial set ensured him a common support from Cafe Del Fun DJs (DJ Carlo, DJ Truhlik). His DJ personality constantly profiled, yet not influenced by a strong wave of House commercialization. During many appearances he profiled his focus on house music and his portfolio started to fill up mainly with LPs from labels such as Defected and Purple music. These publishers became a guidance for the development of his DJs experience. Till now they are focal points and the source of his inspiration. The brand Clubber In The House was the real driving force in his music life, of which he was one of the representatives together with DJ Sai. Just after they met, his course began to gain new momentum.
With the arrival of 2012 he ends his cooperation with the project Clubber In The House and his musical direction begins to be affected by the productions of such labels as Kling Klong Records, Keno Records, Stil vor Talent, Lost Miracle, Drumcode, Terminal M Records. Since 2012 is a year of changes, Thomas founded his own label IMPORTANT that represents the current sound of house music, but he does not forget the classic house, the way it should be understood in its essence. 2015 is another milestone in his life and he suddenly ends his involvement in the brand he founded and passes it to his good friend Mola.
After a seven-month music vacation his passion for music again awakens and Thomas starts popping up in Bratislava’s Nu Spirit Bar where he has his regular night stands called Behind the House.
He currently operates in Prague and is dedicated to his new brand DIVERT RECORDS.
Jeho začiatky siahajú do roku 2006, kedy sa začal zoznamovať s pojmami ako groove, vocal a to všetko v oblasti house music. Bol označovaný ako najmladší z dj-ov hrajúcich funky a vocal house na Slovensku a jeho ortodoxný postoj k hudobnému štýlu vyvolal niekoľko búrlivých reakcií z radov dj-ov. Jeho nekompromisný postoj k hudbe mu priniesol uznanie medzi najznámejšími predstaviteľmi, ktorí hrali house na Slovensku, veľké množstvo hraní na súkromných a brandových parties. Prepojenie s Braňom djom, kedy po vypočutí jeho prvotného setu mu zabezpečilo podporu spoločne s djmi Cafe Del Fun (DJ Carlo, DJ Truhlik). Jeho djská osobnosť sa neustále profilovala a nedala sa ovplyvniť silnou vlnou komercializácie housu.
Počas odohrania množstva akcií sa naozaj vycibrila jeho orientácia na house music a do jeho portfólia sa dostávali hlavne LP platne z vydavateľstiev Defected a Purple music. Tieto vydavateľstvá sa stali smerodajnými pre rozvoj jeho djských skúsenosti. Doteraz sú jeho oporným bodom a miestom čerpania jeho inšpirácie. Skutočným hnacím motorom v jeho živote bola značka Clubber In The House, ktorej bol jeden z reprezentantov spolu s djom Saiom. Práve po ich stretnutí začal jeho smer naberať nové obrátky.
S príchodom roku 2012 končí spoluprácu s projektom Clubber In The House a hudobné smerovanie je ovplyvnené produkciou vydavateľstiev Kling Klong Records, Keno Records, Stil vor Talent, Lost Miracle, Drumcode, Terminal M Records. Keďže rok 2012 je rokom zmien, Thomas si zakladá vlastnú značku IMPORTANT, ktorá reprezentuje súčasný zvuk house music, no nezabúda pritom ani na klasický house, taký aký by sa mal chápať vo svojej podstate.
Rok 2015 je ďalší medzníkom v jeho živote a náhle končí pôsobenie v jeho založenej značke a odovzdáva ju svojmu dobrému priateľovi Molovi. Po 7 mesačnej hudobnej dovolenke sa v ňom zase prebúdza vášeň k hudbe a začína sa objavovať v bratislavskom Nu Spirit bare kde má svoju pravidelnú noc Behind the House.
Aktuálne pôsobí v Prahe a venuje sa svojej novej značke DIVERT RECORDS.
- DIVERT #19 12.07.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:04:12
- DIVERT #18 28.06.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:29:36
- DIVERT #17 26.04.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 55:56
- DIVERT #16 19.04.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:03:52
- DIVERT #15 12.04.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:28:00
- DIVERT #14 05.04.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 2:00:11
- DIVERT #13 21.03.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:19:23
- DIVERT #12 07.03.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:18:20
- DIVERT #11 21.02.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:20:38
- DIVERT #10 14.02.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:16:13
- DIVERT #9 31.01.2021 (From the vinyl archive) ThomasDeXter 1:01:21
- DIVERT #8 17.01.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:26:23
- DIVERT #7 10.01.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:28:20
- Divert #6 03.01.2021 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 77:20
- Divert #5 27.12.2020 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 86:03
- DIVERT #4 20.12.2020 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 83:18
- Divert #3 13.12.2020 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 64:28
- DIVERT #2 06.12.2020 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 1:03:37
- DIVERT #1 04.08.2020 (Vinyl Only) ThomasDeXter 46:49